Friday 3 September 2010

Ten Years Ago I...

...had little if any silvery hair

...could still read small print without assistance

...could still drink coffee without getting nauseated and broken out

...had just experienced my first of many menstrual migraines

...was still breastfeeding a 2.5-year-old

...didn't know my Dad would soon manifest symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

...didn't know my aunt would die in a car accident

...didn't know I would be seized with the urge to have another child, post-40 and seven years after the first one

...wouldn't have believed you if you had said my secondborn would be even stronger-willed and higher maintenance than his brother

...couldn't imagine that in ten years I would be struggling with homeschooling burnout, extreme wanderlust and a crazy, crazy hormonal roller coaster ride.

(Are we having fun yet?)


  1. I will be thinking all day about what my world was like ten years ago...and will post about it...after I get saturday morning sport out of the way!!!

  2. Well, I just turned 36 and I have a tonne of silver hair! Where's the justice?

  3. I think the decline after 40 is very confronting! All those achy knees and creping necks that you weren't ready for!

    Ten years ago I was quite heavily pregnant and wondering how my life would change.
