Sunday, 30 January 2011


Dear Mary,

I am feeling downright peanut butter-ish lately.  Or maybe a dollop of Nutella would be more like it.  In any case, I have become a card-carrying member of the Sandwich Generation, with my children being one slice of bread and my ailing parents the other.  And as much as I would like to ooze out from between both at the moment, it is not to be.

So I lower my parenting standards (I was always kind of curious about unschooling anyway, and maybe the old Scooby Doo episodes won't warp my five-year-old's brain too much).  I luxuriate in a little self-indulgence (I'm taking an online self-portrait course; if you promise not to laugh too much, here's my collection so far).  And you'd better believe that I'm getting pretty good at living in the moment (because it beats reliving a month of hospital visits and nursing home conversations, and anticipating crises to come).

Until next time...



  1. I so love seeing those photos of are a beautiful woman remind me of Diane Keaton ...

    I feel like at the filling in a sandwich sometimes too..negotiating the needs of the kids on one slice and the husband on the other ...which is why it so important that we take time to do things purely for an online photography course



  2. Scooby Doo is fine. It's problem solving.

  3. Loveliness. It is hard constantly negotiating all the needs around us that need to be met. xx

  4. You are doing the right thing, taking time for yourself. You must, you must, you must.

    I love the blue scarf on you. And I really am drawn toward the picture of you where it looks like you have short hair, I guess your hair is pulled back (top photo, 4th from the left). Emphasizes warm and soulful eyes.

    I'm buffered from the sandwich due to distance but I see costly plane flights in my future.
