Tuesday, 14 September 2010

My friend, the camera

Mistress Mary, Quite Chin-Hairy ~

You and I have talked before about how photography has been our salvation during difficult times.  Sometimes I need a reminder to pick up my camera when things get rocky.  I did just that this morning and came up with this simple image that fills me with such peace and pleasure.  The sunlight on the little basket, my grandmother's dining chair (part of a set I gratefully received after her passing a month ago)...

I really like this quotation attributed to Dorothea Lange:

The camera is an instrument that teaches people to see without a camera.

I don't think I really was able to appreciate simple stuff like this little vignette twenty or even ten years ago.  You?

Love, Lynn

P.S.  The chin-hair thing wigs me out pretty badly, too.  Mine sprouts right out of a mole, perfectly witch-like.  Sigh.


  1. Now I've snorted coffee up my nose, all on account of your opening line. Which is a shame, as I'm sure I need to take the words of photographic advice as a topic for serious thought.

  2. There is no way I would have appreciated the utter simplicity of that beautiful photo 20 years ago.

    And I am giggling at your opening line too!

  3. Appreciating the small things, one of the better aspects of middle age. Your photo captures this perfectly. I do love how the basket is illuminated.

  4. That picture radiates peace. Just the perfect touch of sunlight.

    Art does save the world and remember to be good to yourself too. Once the decision is made to do what is right for 'you' the rest falls in place.

  5. Don't know what I did but here it is again.
    I am loving your blog. The hairy chin line made me laugh.
    This is a beautiful photo.
    I am following if you are ok with that. I can't wait to read what you write next.
