Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Dear Lynn ( and dear neglected blog)

Not even a photo.  I do so love this space though, even empty.

So here I am.  My chin still sprouts ever more hair.  I still have heart burn.  I still have weight to lose.

I get so passionate about things I ought to do, and start off well.  And then it all goes to hell in a handbasket.  Or whatever that saying is.

All of my blogs are much neglected.  The people I love to write about do not see a lot of me.  Even my photography has been neglected other than for major occasions where I have been paid to do the work.

I guess I am living my life.  It is a very quiet life which is driven mostly by the needs of the kids.  J and I continue to work away at our marriage - in a very quiet kind of way.  Which is OK with me after all the drama of the past few years.  I was in such a hurry to get engaged/married and now I feel like we are slowly building a friendship with stronger foundations.  I heard a local comedian say recently that we should only get married after being together 20 years - that we have it all the wrong way round.  In our case we were only together four months before we got engaged and whilst it felt fantastic at the time I think we could have done with waiting to get married for 20 years.

And have I mentioned the cross roads thing.  I hope I have a good 30 or more years left in me.  Yet what shall I do with them.  I know my own mother went into a clinical depression over questions like these. Whilst I know that won't happen to me I am left wondering - what to do, what to do.

Give back is the answer I keep coming up with.

love to you
